Monday, January 23, 2012

New Year! Update!

I know I haven't posted for several months now.  I had just got my blog up and running, and then I needed to have a major surgery.  I thought I would be better after recovering, but we had to move, due to a severe mold infestation.  During these last few months I have still been having health issues, some mold related, and had to have a few more surgeries.  Unfortunately, I haven't been spending as much time in the kitchen as I would like to.  I am grateful that I was able to get a lot of canning done thanks to my CSA share at Farmer Dave's CSA, and the Haverhill Farmer's market.  All that work before I was sick is helping a lot now.

Farmer Dave's Apples!
 We are reaping the benefits of our canning during the Summer and Fall. We are lucky to be enjoying "fresh" vanilla peaches in January!  The recipe is found in an earlier post here,  Peaches in Vanilla,  Hot Pepper Jelly for Christmas gifts, Dilly Beans, and Pickles for snacks, and homemade canned beans, saves some money at the grocery store.  Last night Aidan and I made a "homemade" apple pie with Apples from Farmer Dave's and the Haverhill Farmer's Market, because we canned some Apple Pie Filling!  With a store bought refrigerated crust, we had the fresh taste of homemade, local apples, and Aidan and I enjoyed a bit of time in the kitchen.  Since I have been spending much of my time taking it easy, I have found more time for my other passion, reading!  The recipe that we used for the apple pie apples came from a recipe I adapted from  Her ingredient list are as follows. 
Sarah Jean's Apple Pie Filling

Granny Smith Apples
4 1/2 cups of sugar
2 Tbs cinnamon
1/2 tea nutmeg (I liked 1 tea)
1 tea salt
1 cup corn starch
10 cups water

Mix all ingredients, except corn starch. Mix the corn starch with a little water and then add it in. Boil all ingredients. 
Fill jar half-full with apples.  Jam them in.  Then fill the jar part way with the syrup and fill with more apples to the rim of the jar.  (Normally, I am prepared and have pictures for you, but today, I don't....Sorry ; ) !  )  
Work bubbles out with a knife.  Wipe the rim of the jar, and add lids.  Submerge in a hot water bath for 20 mins.  I believe I got 6 or 7 quarts and a pint or so.  I never made a pie with a canned filling before, but my boy and I were pleasantly surprised.  It took almost two quarts to make a 10" pie.  Some of the sauce was left and a few apples, but my boy enjoyed snacking on a bowl of the delicious apples right out of the jar, while our pie was in the oven.  Easy Peasy!  I will definitely be using this recipe for years to come! 

As a family, my lil guy, the big guy and I are all avid readers.  My parents bought me a kindle for my birthday.  I didn't think I would like it much because I love turning the pages, and the feeling and weight of holding the book while I read.  I knew I would need to find a good cover!  I searched high and low.  I wanted to find one that is made in the USA, and would stand up to being used a lot.  I found one I truly loved on

Here is the link to my Tree of Life Kindle cover!
Oberon Designs Tree of Life Leather Kindle 4 Cover.  Made in the USA!

I love the way it feels and it is so nicely hand tooled!  Between Amazon's free reads I have found on and, I have managed to find a bunch of great books to start my ebook library.  I hope to share some of my reviews on here.  I enjoy many different genres, to the cooking, canning, gardening, memoirs, Non-fiction, historical fiction, romance, inspirational, and more.  I find myself reading a lot of Amish fiction lately.  I am enjoying learning about their culture.  I love doing things the old way a lot, and if you know anything about the Amish way of life, they live without electricity, they can, bake, cook, garden.  My son calls them "the pioneers of today", and he's right.  I hope you will enjoy my new entries when I get a chance to get on here and post some updates and reviews.  I hope everyone enjoyed a safe and happy Holiday season with their families.

I just ordered a Vitamix a few days ago, so once we receive it and get a chance to try it out, we will be having a post hopefully soon!

Our little tree at the new place! 

Me and my Little Baker!


Neo-Homesteading said...

I hope you are feeling better, or at least getting there. Mold is an ugly, ugly thing. My homes moisture level averages 85% so mold is a full time threat.

I really, REALLY wanted to can peaches this past summer. Peaches here in the mountains are incredibly rare. Good ones are even more rare. I bought 3 pounds at a time and they just never managed to make it into jars.

Kellie said...

It's so hard when they are so fresh and tasty for them to make it to the jar....But I am glad that I was able to restrain somewhat, because I am enjoying them now!

Yes, Mold is a scary scary thing. My landlord lived upstairs and were our friends too! It's a nightmare!

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